- 福滿袋開賣日期:實際開賣日依各店到貨日為準~112/02/28(二)(或售完為止)
【福滿籤】須於112/03/05(日) 23:59前,至小北百貨活動網頁完成登錄,如逾期或填寫錯誤,以致無法通知中獎者,將視為中獎無效。
- 活動門市:小北百貨全台實體門市。
- 各異業品牌優惠券使用、截止時間不盡相同,請依各品牌優惠券之標示為準,如有異動請依小北百貨及各品牌活動官網公告為準。
- 【福滿籤】開獎日及領獎方式:小北百貨將於112/03/22(三)抽出獎項,並於112/03/24(五)公告中獎名單於小北百貨全台門市、官網、FB粉絲專頁。小北百貨會依投入聯所填寫之電話通知中獎者,請中獎者於112/04/09(日)前,持【福滿籤】正本至小北百貨任一門市完成相關兌獎事宜及流程。
- 【開袋即中】領兌獎方式:依券面使用說明為主,部分獎項須於112/03/05(日) 23:59前持【福滿籤】正本至小北百貨任一門市完成相關兌獎事宜及流程,如有異動請依小北百貨及各品牌官網公告為準。
- 上述兌領獎作業,如福滿籤遺失或逾期均視為自動放棄、兌獎無效,如有相關疑問可撥打客服專線0800-002-198。
- 本活動屬機會中獎所得,依中華民國所得稅法規定,獎項價值超過新台幣$1,001元,中獎者需繳交身份證正反面影本;獎項價值超過新台幣$20,001元,中獎人須依法另繳交該獎項價值之10%中獎稅,外籍人士中獎則不分獎項價值,依法需繳交20% 中獎稅及居留證影本,若中獎人無法同意提供上述身分證明文件或應繳稅額等規定,均視為放棄本活動之領獎資格與權利。
※ 請中獎人兌獎時,自行攜帶身份證正反面/居留證影本前往門市兌獎(門市提供影印服務)。
- 中獎人須年滿20歲,未滿20歲者須附上法定代理人簽章,並提供法定代理人身份證明文件影本或由法定代理人協同辦理領獎及相關手續。
- 「好想兔福袋」所有商品均為隨機搭配出貨,為維護食品的衛生安全,僅接受食品項目「過期、變質、外包裝破損」等原因換貨,一經拆封食用、或因顧客保存不良導致食品變質,不接受退換貨;亦不因各個人喜好、接受度等原因受理退換貨。
- 本活動獎項僅限於該獎項本身,其獎項之規格、配備、顏色等以廠商實際交付之實品為準,依政府規定之領牌費、保險、相關稅金以及過戶時應支付之任何費用、或按中獎人要求而加裝配備,或其他個人需求所產生之費用,皆由中獎者自行負擔。
- 中獎獎項皆依實際物品為主,恕不接受折現、兌換其他商品或加價購買,請領獎者於門市現場檢查確認商品有無瑕疵,離開門市後恕不接受外觀瑕疵退貨。
- 小北百貨對活動獎品不負後續品質保證與維修服務之責,日後之維修或保固相關等服務,請與該商品公司之服務專線聯繫。
- 活動詳情請洽各門市櫃台,若有未盡說明之處或任何異動,均依小北百貨官方網站及門市公告為準,如遇不可抗之因素,小北百貨保有最終解釋權,及活動最終修改或終止之權利。
- The launch date of Fortune pack: 2023/01/06~2023/02/28 (or until sold out)
*As soon as the fortune packs arrive at Showba stores, they will allow to be sold. Please refer to each store for the launch date.
Need to fill in the “Very Miss Rabbit Fortune Pack” event page of the Showba official website with the information of “Fortune Draw” and your personal information (such as name and phone number) before 23:59 on 2023/03/05. It will become invalid afterwards. Also, please be sure to fill in the correct information; otherwise, it will be deemed as a waiver of the eligibility for the prize. The prize will not be reissued.
- Event stores: All physical Showba Stores in Taiwan
- The instructions and dateline of discount vouchers are different, which are based on each cross-industry collaboration brand. If there is any changes, please refer to the Showba event website and the official websites for the cross-industry collaboration brands for the notices.
- “Fortune Draw” awards pick-up methods and date: We are expected to draw the award winners on 2023/03/22 and will announce the list of winners on the Showba official website, Facebook fan page, and store bulletin boards on 2023/03/24. We will contact the winners by phone using the phone number filled in the event page of the Showba official website. The winners have to go to any of the Showba stores with the original “Fortune Draw” before 2023/04/09 to complete award pick-up matters and procedures.
- For the prizes of the 2nd piece of scratch card pick-up methods and date: Please refer to the instructions of the fortune draw. The winners, who win those specific prizes, have to go to any of the Showba stores with the original “Fortune Draw” before 23:59 on 2023/03/05 to complete award pick-up matters and procedures. If there is any changes, please refer to the Showba event website and the official websites for the cross-industry collaboration brands for the notices.
- Please do not lose the fortune draw and claim the prize after picked-up dates. It will be deemed to have given up automatically and will not be eligible for the prize. If you have any questions, please contact us by our customer service phone line 0800-002-198.
- This event is under the Income from Contests and Games and from Prizes and Awards Won by Chance and the rules according to Income Tax of the R.O.C. For any prizes valued over NT$1,001, the winner must submit the front and back side photo copy of ID; or any prizes valued over NT$20,001, the winner must pay 10% of the prize value by law. For foreigners, it is required by law to pay 20% of the prize value as tax regardless the value. If the winner does not agree to provide the above documentation, payable tax and such regulation, it is to be deemed to have waived the qualification and right of prize pick-up of this event.
- The winner must be above 20 years old, for those who are not, the signature of legal representative has to be submitted and to provide the ID photo copy. Or the winner can pick up the prize and complete the related process with the legal representative.
- All products are randomly selected for the “Very Miss Rabbit Fortune Pack” issued in this event. To maintain food hygiene and safety, we only accepts returns related to the food being “expired, gone bad, and damaged outer packaging.” No returns and refunds will be accepted if the package is unsealed or if food had gone bad due to inappropriate storage by the consumer. No returns and refunds will be accepted due to individual preferences on the content of the “Very Miss Rabbit Fortune Pack.”
- The various awards in this event are restricted to the awards only. Please refer to the actual products delivered by the companies for the specs, accessories and color of the awards. Any fees resulting from license plate application, insurance, related taxes and ownership transfers according to government rules or fees arising from the winner’s demand for additional accessories or other personal needs will be paid by the winner.
- Please refer to the actual products for the award items. No cashback redemption, exchange for other products or purchase of other products with an additional amount of money will be accepted. The winners must check the products at the store, as no returns will be accepted on defects of external looks after you have left the store.
- Our company is not responsible for the following quality assurance and maintenance of the prize. For the maintenance, warranty and other product-related services, please contact the service center by the service phone line of the prize.
- Please inquire of our clerks about the detail of this event. If there are any changes in this event, or any unexplained matters, the company's official website or store announcement shall prevail. In case of non-blamed reasons, the company reserves the final interpretation right and the right to modify or suspend this event at any time without notice.